LifeVantage Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer

Provide your body with natural antioxidant support to reduce free radicals.


Protect Yourself with Antioxidants

Little Yellow Tablet, the discovery that changed everything. It’s one of the most groundbreaking insights into reducing free radical damage, which contributes to oxidative stress. How does it work? Your body produces its own antioxidants to fight free radicals, but production begins to decline in your early 20s. Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer provides antioxidant support to decrease free radical damage.


  • Provides antioxidants to help maintain cell health
  • Reduces free radicals formed in the body
  • Helps decrease free radical damage to the body’s cells
  • Dairy-Free
  • Formulated without Gluten
  • Vegetarian
  • Halal
  • Free from artificial colours, flavours, and sweetener